The Ups and Downs Of Running An Indie Radio Station

roller coaster

If you believe in yourself and the station (and more importantly, the artists) then you have nowhere to go but up. Put the artists ahead of everything else. Promote the hell out of them, follow them on FB and Twitter. Hit that LIKE and FOLLOW button. Don’t worry about FB friends that don’t pay any attention to what you are doing.

How to Submit Music to an Internet Radio Station

By Kevin J. Mann UK Independent (United Kingdom)   I have been wanting to write something about this in ages as you occasionally get a lot of questions about this if you are a radio presenter or own and run an Internet, FM or DAB Radio Station (and potentially not forgetting music magazines who may … Read more

Running a Big Time Station on a Small-Time Budget

By Randy Skaggs Q108Indie (Kingston, Ontario Canada) So, you want to start your own indie rock Internet radio station, do you? Is this something that’s been in the back of your mind ever since you noticed the massive amounts of online stations out there? Thinking that it looks easy enough and you can become #1? … Read more